Friday, September 26

I'm here.

So here's the deal: I love blogs... other people's blogs to be more specific. I love reading opinions, updates, insights, quotes... I love it all! But it really was never for me. I know, I'm one of those people who think they're too cool for school and will not blog... yes. I admit it. I am. So when all my friends decided to get married on me, they all, like clockwork, began their lovely marriage blogs. I think that's the thing to do these days: get married and start a blog. So as I was slowly converted to blogs, I secretly decided that I would wait until I got married to be able to share my opinions and post pictures of my cute and devoted hubby and me. Then one day, I thought:
I'm going to start a blog as a single gurl! I'm gonna do it and enjoy it and people are going to read it and enjoy it, too. Even if it's just my mom and sisters reading this (thank you! Love ya!), then so be it.

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